Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 2

Today it was time to tackle the front driveway. After a small management meeting (Brad, Me and Bootz - Bootz has the deciding vote) we decided to leave the ivy on the driveway wall but trim the top. Later on my brother Luke will come and water spray the dirt off and hopefully we will not need to paint it ( wishful thinking - I know)
So let the shovelling begin, cutting, and weeding begin. Definitely going to buy a good leaf blower as I am not sweeping that drive all the time. Must be at least 1 kilometre long - well it feels that way when you have walked up and down it 500 million times. We now have the weed pile to end all weed piles out the back and have hardly even started.

Not a good day with the crazy dude today - he insisted on telling me that there was to much violence in the world, that we are living in a corrupt society, that he did not like to be to friendly as it made people to familiar (if he doesn't want to be to friendly I wish he would just F$%K Off. Because he insisted on telling me this every ten minutes as he followed me up and down the driveway. I was just about to explode at one stage. He leaves Brad alone and insists on telling me the same bloody thing over and over again. More medication needed I think.

But we did get the driveway done.

Also started clearing the ivy from the chimney. It is quite amazing to see it coming out from all the weeds. When we first looked at the house we knew there was a open fireplace but never really didn't think about where the chimney was - you could not even see it as it just looked like a big tree. It was not till I was looking at some of Aunt Beryls photos that I realised it was even there.

A big beautiful stone chimney that was completely covered by the ivy. And not just any ivy but stuff that would make Tarzan proud to swing on it (check out brad doing his Tarzan impression!!!)

Got half the stuff down but couldn't dislodge the top sections. We were using a rickety old ladder that appeared even older than the house!!
Did have one drama - I got bitten by a ring tail possum that had been dislodged from his lovely home. He was not happy and did not appreciate me holding onto his tail lol (by the way - yes it did hurt and did you know that even though they are cute they have very sharp teeth.)

Not sure where he went to as the last glimpse we had was of him scampering up the ladder and across the room. Probably living in the ceiling now with the rats and peeing everywhere whilst chuckling manically.

No gardening for a few days now as need to get over the mad dude....
pics below

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