Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 3

Just a short day today as Luke (my brother) came over and so we decided to utilise his chainsaw and ladder. Well he was just kicking around doing nothing so why not.

After calling the madman and making sure it was ok to come. (we had called and said we weren't going to do any gardening on Friday as I was having a madman overload moment) He was quite happy to have us there - even said he would make tea and give us some cake - just a little something extra to look forward to!!! Turned out he had a friend there so didn't even come out the front door Yippeee. Except Brad had to listen to him ranting at the end about how violent All Saints was and he wasn't going to watch it any more. So there all you rotten tv stations!!!

So onto the ivy -

Our beautiful chimney is now completely cleared and looks beautiful. There are lots of bulbs coming through in the garden bed at the base of the chimney (I think they will be daffodils and Jonquils - but not really sure) so it will be very pretty in the spring. Can't believe so many of the Azaleas and Camellias have survived all the drought without an iota of care. Will give them all a good feed when we move in.

Luke also chopped up a large tree that had fallen over the steps and then he and Brad cut a path through another large tree at the bottom of the garden. We are going to keep this one semi intact as it is a bit mysterious and rainforresty down near the creek.

Def getting a leaf blower like Luke's - could blow the mad man away if I wanted to.
Made the week pile even bigger today - yahoo!!! But Brad won't let me burn it - I even promised to throw petrol on it so that it would burn quick. He is no fun at all!!

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