Sunday, November 22, 2009

Excitement at the Highway House

There has been a major development in the landscaping of our sprawling estate.  I know you are all agog at the idea that we are getting in professional landscapers, that are going to turn our weed infested, overgrown patch of dirt into a home beautiful contender...
But no I am afraid it is nothing as exciting and wonderful as that.
Wait for it.......
Another 1 of our enormous trees has decided that wind and gravity were against it remaining silhoutted against the sky any longer!!!!

 On Friday, Jules, Caitlin and I were happily eating lunch when an enormous cracking  followed by a long and loud crash jolted us from our stunning repast.  (Salad Rolls and Pepsi Max - I put the pepsi in a glasses and everything)
We rushed to the window just in time to see the top of the poplar that is on the Vue Road end of the estate become wedged on some branches of the large gum. The tree had completely broken off at the base. At the time of writing a large portion of the tree is still lodged against the gum tree. 

You can see the results of these events below...
Must say we were very pleased it did not crash on the house - we still have one dangerous tree within reach of the house and considering that this weeks tree is the 3rd to fall within 6 months I think something will have to be done sooner than later!!
Brad is so pleased he now has more chainsawing to do..

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