Saturday, November 14, 2009

the wood shed disappears

There is a singular lack of parking space at the highway house.  Especially since our family owns 4 cars, trailer, boat and trailer and camper trailer -  mmm might need to start up a sales yard.  Anyway to improve the parking space we are going to move  the garden shed around the back of the carport and also demolish the old wood shed.

I am sure you will agree that it may have had it's day and was probably time for it to go..  :( 
We are also concerned that lots of snakes will hang out there during the summer.

First all the wood was removed - chucked over the fence onto the nature strip -  It was gone within 2 hours!!

Then it was into the fun part -  yeahhh bring on the wrecking hammer.  Gotta love the wrecking bit (I hate the cleaning up bit though)

Look what we found buried under the wood shed  -   a wonderful old 2 person X cut saw.  This will go straight to the pool room...


It was amazing how much room there was once all the mess was cleaned up and taken to the tip.

Just need to get the garden shed moved now!!!

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